• ASTolosa tournament

 A team of 8 Parta'Joueurs took part in the 12-hour tournament organised by the Tolosa Deaf Association on 18 November near Toulouse. It was a great opportunity for us all to get together and have a chat with the organisers and other competitors.

We'll be doing it again to improve our puzzle assembly speed and our communication in LSF. 😁




  • Around a 5,000-piece

 A convivial moment during the All Saints' holiday. Some of the members of Parta'jeu took part in assembling a 5000-piece maxi-puzzle and putting it into bags of 10 or 20 pieces, which will be sold at the event on 16 & 17 March 2024.

  • Brain teaser and Parta'Jeu

In January 2023, Rachel, Marine and Babeth took part in the recording of the ninth Potes cast, a moment of information about our project, but nevertheless a fun and joyful way to get to know us better.

Watch the show by clicking on the image