How you can help

  • Become a volunteer during the 24H puzzle de France

  • Become a member of the association

  • Make a donation (individual)

  • Sponsor us (company)

Become a volunteer

If you are interested in helping us with this experience and sharing a good time with us, we would be delighted to welcome you as a volunteer.

Become a member of the association

Share your ideas to contribute to the development of the association, take part in and plan events around games, join Parta'Jeu online or by contacting us.

Make a donation

You can help the association with its projects by making a donation:

Online using the dedicated form

By contacting us


Your company can sponsor the association and support its projects.
It's also a good way for sponsors to raise their profile and arouse the interest of our participants, and to show solidarity in the fields of health and support for the elderly and/or disabled.
Contact us at:

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