Registration procedures

Prepare your details to register for one or more competitions

9/18/20241 min read

24H Puzzle de France
24H Puzzle de France

(Extract from the General Terms and Conditions of Sale)

Registrations for competitions are made via the website on Crédit Mutuel's Pay Asso platform, by filling in the form which is accessible on the dates indicated on the association's information media. Registration is carried out in real time; the Pay Asso platform informs you in real time of availability at the time of registration.

It is possible to register for several competitions at the same time. However, it is forbidden to register several times for the same competition and to be part of several 24H teams. New registrations may be made, subject to availability, by filling in a new form.

Once registration has been completed, it can no longer be modified or deleted. If you have any difficulty in completing your registration, or if you wish to make any changes or additions, please send an e-mail to

The Parta'Jeu association reserves the right to reduce and/or extend the length of the registration period, subject to the maximum number of teams taking part.

  • 24H par équipe :
    • Team name

    • Surname, first name and contact details of the person registering (postal address, phone number, e-mail address, date of birth)

    • First name and surname of at least one other team member

    • Bank card for payment

  • Parallel competitions :
    • Surname, first name and contact details of the adult registering (postal address, telephone number, e-mail address, date of birth)

    • Surname and first name of the 2nd competitor, date of birth if applicable.

    • Junior and children's competitions : Surname, first name and date of birth of the 2 competitors

    • Bank card for payment

Prepare the information you need to register


An email from Pay asso and the debit of your bank account of the sum due confirms your registration.